
Tag Archives: Care

Amazon Prime Day 2018: The Best Deals on Skin Care

If you’ve been counting down the hours to Amazon Prime Day 2018, it’s time to get your credit card ready. The deals are upon us and they are good. In fact, analysts are predicting that Amazon could rake more than $3 billion (yes, with a “B”) in sales from Prime Day alone this year. To…

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Logan Browning Beauty Interview: Skin Care, Curls, and More

Logan Browning is having a major moment right now. The breakout actress just wrapped up the second season of her hit Netflix series Dear White People and is slated to star in the upcoming horror-thriller The Perfection (alongside Girls alum Allison Williams). Over the last year, she’s also become the picture of red carpet perfection…

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Skin Care Saved Me From Years of Cystic Acne

The beauty—and absurdity—of the internet lies in its ability to rile people up in such a way that the drama of the day can be reduced to one tweet with no context. One I saw last night: “Black Mirror: Skin Care” and I knew exactly what the author was referring to. A story published on…

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While the Internet Was Focused on the Shutdown, the HHS Paved the Way for Health Care Discrimination

Last week, news of a potential government shutdown kept the Internet’s metaphorical ear to the ground—a “Will they or won’t they?” question for 2018’s rather trying political times. But amid all the hubbub that overtook much of the news cycle during the latter part of the week, something flew under the radar when it might…

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Best Deals From Ulta's 2018 Skin Care Sale

Wander down any skin care aisle, and it feels a lot like a wonderland of beautifully backlit promises. Bright, glowing skin, invisible pores, and a total absence of zits, right this way. The only downside is skin care can be hit-or-miss—and when any given cream comes with an expensive price tag, it’s high-risk, high-reward. That’s…

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