
Inuit Crown-Partnership Committee meets in Inuit Nunangat to discuss shared priorities

June 28, 2022 — Inuvik, Northwest Territories — Crown–Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

The Government of Canada and Inuit leaders have been working closely together through the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee (ICPC) to advance reconciliation, strengthen the Inuit-Crown partnership, and create a more prosperous Inuit Nunangat through meaningful collaboration.

On Monday, June 27, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations Marc Miller and Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami President Natan Obed met with other members of the ICPC, in Inuvik, in the Inuvialuit region of Inuit Nunangat to discuss shared priorities, including Inuit land claims, legislative priorities, and the implementation of the Inuit Nunangat Policy, which was formally endorsed and funded by the Government of Canada and Inuit leadership in April 2022.

The Policy will guide how federal departments work with Inuit partners on the design, development and delivery of new and renewed policies, programs, services and initiatives that apply in Inuit Nunangat or benefit Inuit. The Government has pledged $25.4 million over five years to accelerate implementation of the policy. Inuit and the federal government are currently working through the establishment of a governance framework and associated Secretariat to support these efforts.

During Monday’s meeting, officials also endorsed work plans on two of ICPC’s new priority areas:

  • Sovereignty, Defence and Security
  • Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning

The Government of Canada will continue to work with Inuit leadership through the ICPC to build a renewed Inuit-Crown relationship and advance reconciliation based on affirmation of rights, respect, and partnership.

Participants at the June 27 meeting include:

Marc Miller, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations (in person)
Natan Obed, President of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (in person)
Duane Smith, Chair and CEO, Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (in person)
Aluki Kotierk, President, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (in person)
Pita Aatami, President, Makivik Corporation (virtual)
Johannes Lampe, President, Nunatsiavut Government (in person)
Monica Ell-Kanayuk, President, Inuit Circumpolar Council (in person)
Gerri Sharpe, President, Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada (virtual)
Brian Pottle, President, National Inuit Youth Council (virtual)
The Honourable Daniel Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs (virtual)
The Honourable David Lametti, Minister of Justice (in person)
The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services Canada (virtual)
The Honourable Omar Alghabra, Minister of Transport (virtual)
The Honourable Mona Fortier, Treasury Board Secretariat (virtual)
The Honourable Pablo Rodriguez, Heritage Canada (virtual)
The Honorable Anita Anand, National Defence Canada  (virtual)

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