
The National Council for Reconciliation


The Truth and Reconciliation Commission completed their final report in 2015, which included 94 Calls to Action (CTAs): 

  • CTAs 53 and 54 call for the establishment of a National Council for Reconciliation (Council) with ongoing funding. 
  • CTA 55 calls on the Government of Canada to provide key information to the Council to support their mandate. 
  • CTA 56 calls on the Government of Canada to respond to the Council’s annual report on reconciliation by preparing an annual report on the State of Aboriginal Peoples.

In 2017, the Prime Minister announced that an Interim Board would be established to advise the Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations on options for creating the Council. In 2018, the Indigenous Interim Board of Directors were appointed by Governor in Council: Edith Cloutier, Clint Davis, Dr. Mike DeGagné, Max Fine Day, Jean Teillet and former Truth and Reconciliation Commissioner Chief Wilton Littlechild. The members were selected based on their experience and expertise, and to ensure First Nations, Inuit and Métis representation. The Interim Board presented a final report in June 2018 containing recommendations, including the establishment of a Transitional Committee for the Council. 

The Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations appointed the Transitional Committee in 2021, which includes three former members from the Interim Board. The Transitional Committee members are Mitch Case, Edith Cloutier, Rosemary Cooper, Dr. Mike DeGagné and Chief Wilton Littlechild.


Establishing the Council through legislation responds directly to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action 53 by establishing the Council, and positions the Government of Canada to implement Calls to Action 54-56, which aligns with our ongoing commitment to implement the Calls to Action. 

The Council would monitor progress towards reconciliation in all sectors of Canadian society and by all governments in Canada, including efforts to implement the Calls to Action. The Council would recommend measures to promote, prioritize and coordinate efforts for reconciliation. It would also educate the public about Indigenous Peoples’ realities and histories, to stimulate innovative dialogue, thought and action on reconciliation across Canada.

Next steps

If the Bill is passed, the next step will be the establishment of the Council’s first Board of Directors, which will take steps to effect the incorporation of the Council under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act and stand up the Council. 

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