Vancouver Residents Hold Nightly Cheer in Support of Health Care Workers
Not all heroes wear capes, but a whole bunch of them wear scrubs.
As doctors, nurses, scientists and other health care workers continue to work around the clock to help patients battling the Coronavirus, people around the world are applauding their healthcare worker in honor of World Health Day. More recently, Vancouver residents came together to express their gratitude in a unique way.
In videos circulating on social media, dozens upon dozens of residents stepped out of their houses and onto their balconies at 7 p.m. local time to deliver a nightly cheer in honor of health care workers.
Whistles, cowbells, noisemakers and a round of applause filled the air in video captured by Cat Toffoli. And yes, even some four-legged friends decided to participate in the act of kindness with some innocent barks.
“All the feels are tears,” she wrote on Twitter when a user called the moment “fantastic.” Ultimately, Vancouver is just one of many cities expressing gratitude for health care workers in their own unique way.
On the East Coast, several cities are participating in “Hearts for Healthcare Workers” where residents place a heart on their front door or window to let health care heroes know how much they are appreciated.
According to CNN, residents in Turkey, India and Israel have cheered for health care workers at a specific time.
And just weeks ago, #Solidarityat8 trended in the United States as Americans expressed their gratitude outside.
“Healthcare Professionals near and far have always deserved our support, and now more than ever,” Troy Police Department in New York shared on Twitter. “TPD is appreciative of all those on the frontlines fighting the spread. #SOLIDARITYAT8 @SPHPnews @TroyCityHall.”
And as the Coronavirus continues to affect thousands of individuals, many in Hollywood are working to get masks and other supplies to first responders. Several TV shows have offered supplies while Bethenny Frankel‘s BStrong organization is raising money to help hospitals in need.
“My friend @Bethenny is doing amazing work, securing masks and other supplies for various hospitals,” Ellen DeGeneres wrote on Twitter. “The Ellen Show and @Shuterfly are donating to help cover costs.” Find out how you can help online now.
(This story was originally published on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 at 11:43 a.m. PST)