Backgrounder: Government of Canada announces federal investments to advance Alberta’s clean technology sector
PrairiesCan is investing over $8.3 million for 13 projects in Alberta through several programs, including the Alberta Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative; the Business Scale-up and Productivity program; the Regional Innovation Ecosystems program; and the Community Economic Development and Diversification program. These investments are expected to support approximately 240 jobs and help Alberta businesses and communities capitalize on new opportunities across a wide range of industries.
Alberta Indigenous Clean Energy Initiative (AICEI) – $1,611,115
The AICEI supports renewable energy generation or energy efficiency projects that are led by, or for the benefit of, First Nation and Métis communities in Alberta. AICEI is funded through the Strategic Partnerships Initiative which is led by Indigenous Services Canada to provide a way for federal partners to coordinate their efforts, reduce administrative burden and pool resources in support of Indigenous communities. Today, PrairiesCan announced AICEI investments for six projects:
- Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park ($82,250)
Complete a feasibility study to determine renewable energy options to meet the operational energy requirements for the Blackfoot Crossing Historical Park facilities.
- Frog Lake First Nations ($106,200)
Assess the feasibility of a large-scale solar photovoltaic farm on reserve lands to serve the energy needs of the community.
- Piikani Resource Development Limited Partnership ($754,632)
Complete a wind turbine feasibility study.
- River Cree Development Corporation Limited Partnership ($198,000)
Validate the business case for implementing a 250MW battery energy storage system, the creation of a microgrid innovation centre, and a testing facility.
- Three Nations Energy GP Inc. ($328,760)
Explore the feasibility of both expanding the generation capacity of its existing 2.35 MW solar facility located in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta, and utilizing excess electricity produced in the summer months through hydrogen production, fuel switching, and electrification.
- Tsuut’ina Nation ($141,273)
Complete an environmental assessment and initiate capacity building to support a solar farm on a former Department of National Defence training site.
Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) program – $1,800,000
The BSP program supports high-growth businesses that are seeking to improve productivity, scale-up, and commercialize technology. It offers interest-free, repayable funding to incorporated businesses that have been in operation for a minimum of two years. Today, PrairiesCan announced BSP funding for one project:
- FulcrumAir (1,800,000)
Expand operations to increase global sales of its UAV and robotics-based power line construction and maintenance solutions.
Community Economic Development and Diversification (CEDD) program – $50,000
The CEDD program supports economic development initiatives that contribute to the economic growth and diversification of communities across the Prairie provinces. Through this program, PrairiesCan enables communities to leverage their capacity and strengths to respond to economic development opportunities and adjust to changing and challenging economic circumstances. Today, PrairiesCan announced a CEDD investment for one project:
- County of Grande Prairie ($50,000)
Perform a hydrogen foundational study that will examine regional hydrogen assets, gaps, investment opportunities, and potential uses to evaluate the possible impact and opportunities related to a regional hydrogen hub in the Grande Prairie area.
Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) program – $4,854,207
The RIE program helps create, grow, and nurture inclusive regional ecosystems that support business needs to facilitate innovation. Through the RIE program, targeted investments in not-for-profit organizations support businesses in priority sectors to innovate, grow and compete globally. The RIE program also promotes inclusive growth by helping underrepresented groups more fully participate in the innovation economy. Today, PrairiesCan announced RIE investments for five projects:
- AquaAction ($157,151)
Launch the Prairies AquaHacking Challenge 2025 which will offer a 10-month program for young professionals and students to turn their innovative ideas into market ready, demand-driven freshwater technology solutions.
- Calgary Economic Development and Wheatland County ($1,500,000)
Establish the Calgary Region Hydrogen Hub, which will enhance collaboration, highlight opportunities and attract investment to grow the hydrogen economy in the Calgary area.
- Pathways Alliance – Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance ($735,000)
Launch and operate a mentorship program for early stage small- and medium-sized businesses to advance innovative clean technology solutions used in the natural resources sector.
- ROA Gateways Corporation ($462,056)
Create and launch the Supplier Gateway, an online marketplace where clean technology businesses can find and secure contracts with companies operating in the oil sands sector.
- The Energy Transition Centre (ETC) Foundation ($2,000,000)
Scale up and enhance the Energy Transition Centre in Calgary to increase the number of clean tech businesses that are supported, expand programming, and enhance collaboration between industry, academia and investors.