Dinehtl’eh vah gwitr’it t’agwah’in Nan Thok Natri’iniin’aii (Vuntut National Park) geenjik Parliament Plan gwizhit nihah veenjit tr’igiheekyhyaa nits’oo Van Tat Gwich’in gooveenjik gwiheezyaa gwitr’it gwiinzii gwahaatsyaa, nits’oo nanh t’agwijahch’uu, nanh gwiinzii k’atr’anahtii ts’at nits’oo Canadians, Yukon gwizhit nanh gahanaa’yaa, gooveenjit gwiiheezyaa.
Nan Thok Natr’iniin’aii (Vuntut National Park) Management Plan Tabled in Parliament
Plan contributes to implementing Vuntut Gwitchin rights, protecting the environment and connecting Canadians to nature in the Yukon
October 3, 2024 Old Crow, Yukon Parks Canada
National parks are gateways to experiencing, learning, and connecting with nature. They also serve to protect Indigenous values, lands, and waters. Parks Canada is a recognized leader in conservation, taking action to protect national parks and national marine conservation areas and contributing to the recovery of species at risk. The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation is a recognized leader in Indigenous-led conservation and the protection and management of wildlife such as the Porcupine caribou herd.
The management plan for Nan Thok Natr’iniin’aii (Vuntut National Park) was recently tabled in Parliament. Reviewed every ten years, management plans are a requirement of the Canada National Parks Act and guide the management of national historic sites, national parks, and national marine conservation areas.
The updated plan for Nan Thok Natr’iniin’aii (Vuntut National Park) outlines the following key strategies:
- Looking after the water, land and animals for the future – focuses on building and maintaining healthy ecosystems in the park for present and future generations.
- Living and teaching a traditional lifestyle – focusses on supporting a strong, enduring traditional Vuntut Gwitchin lifestyle, with Elders passing teachings and language to youth, both in the community and out on the land.
- Our past shapes our future – focuses on honouring the enduring human presence in the park by further understanding and managing the park’s cultural resources.
- Experiencing and appreciating the Vuntut Gwitchin lands and waters – focuses on providing opportunities to learn about and experience the park, Vuntut Gwitchin history, language and culture.
Parks Canada and the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation cooperatively manage Nan Thok Natr’iniin’aii (Vuntut National Park), with the North Yukon Renewable Resource Council playing a critical role. This work is guided by the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation Final Agreement and an operational agreement defining the park’s planning and management roles, responsibilities, and procedures.
Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation ts’at North Yukon Renewable Resources Council nihah gwitr’it t’agogwah’in, denehtl’eh Management Plan, Vuntut National Park eenjit Van Tat Gwich’in, diiyah gwitchin kat ts’at juu nanh eenjit k’agogwaadhat goots’at tr’igikhe’ nits’oo jii dinehtl’eh, Management Plan, Parks Canada nits’oo gwiinzii nanh gik’agahanahtyaa nanh ch’iizrit ts’o’ nits’oo nanh gwjiuu’ee ts’at nits’oo tth’aii hee vakak tr’igwindaii, Canada gwizhit, dinjii zhuh kat Yukon gwizhit [Yukon First Nations] hah nihah gwitr’it t’agogwah’in ts’at Canadians eenjit nanh chil’ee gahnahyaa, nanh gahnahyaa, nanh vakak nagaada’oo gooveenjit gweeheezyaa.
The Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation and the North Yukon Renewable Resources Council co-developed the management plan for Vuntut National Park, considering input from citizens, the general public, and stakeholders. Through this management plan, Parks Canada will protect an important example of natural and cultural heritage in Canada, collaborate with Yukon First Nations, and provide an opportunity for Canadians to experience our environment in meaningful ways.
The Nan Thok Natr’iniin’aii (Vuntut National Park) Management Plan is available on the Parks Canada website at: https://parks.canada.ca/pn-np/yt/vuntut/gestion-management/plan-directeur-management-plan-2024. To learn more about Vuntut National Park, please visit parkscanada.ca/vuntut.