
Backgrounder: Transit and building improvements coming soon to Banff and surrounding area


Backgrounder: Transit and building improvements coming soon to Banff and surrounding area

The federal government is investing $8,789,777 through the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream (PTIS) and COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS) of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP), the Rural Transit Solutions Fund (RTSF), as well as the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program to support five projects for public transit and active transportation improvements as well as ventilation and lighting infrastructure upgrades in Banff, Alberta.

Project Information:


Project Name

Project Details

Funding Stream

Federal Funding

Municipal Funding

Other Funding

Town of Banff; Town of Canmore

Purchase of three accessible vehicles to expand transit services

This project will support the purchase of three accessible transit buses to expand fixed route services for both residents and visitors between the rural communities of Canmore, Banff and Lake Louise.





Town of Banff

Banff Centre Ventilation Upgrades Bundle

This project will include upgrades to Farrally Hall, Vinci Hall and Glyde Hall with the Walter Philips Gallery. Upgrades will increase ventilation units and replace end of life equipment.





Municipality of Bow Valley

Hybrid Electric Bus Purchase

Five fully accessible hybrid electric buses will be purchased to replace diesel buses that operate primarily on Banff and Canmore local transit routes. This project will also include the installation of bike racks on all 5 hybrid electric buses.





Town of Banff*

Banff Transit Priority and Connectivity Infrastructure

This project is a collaboration between Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission (BVRTSC) and the Town of Banff to construct a transit lane and multi-use pathway to better link residents and visitors to the public transit system and reduce traffic congestion.





Town of Banff

Catharine Robb Whyte Building Lighting Retrofit

This retrofit project will upgrade lighting fixtures in the building by replacing existing fixtures with high efficiency LED fixtures and new controls. There will be energy savings and enhanced lighting levels for health and safety, and automatic controls to reduce energy waste and provide safe, hands-free operation.





(Town of Banff Environmental Reserve)

* Federal funding is conditional on fulfilling all requirements related to environmental assessment obligations.

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