
Ministers Vandal, Anandasangaree and Hajdu issue statement on Nunavut Day

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July 9, 2024 — Ottawa, Ontario — The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs; the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations; and the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Indigenous Services, issued the following statement today:

“Today we join all 25 communities across Nunavut to celebrate Nunavut Day. This celebration of Nunavut, which translates to “our land,” is an important opportunity to reflect on and honour the invaluable contributions that Nunavummiut, and by extension all Inuit, have made and continue to make towards our collective national security, social and cultural strength, and economic development of Nunavut and all of Canada.

On this day in 1993, the Parliament of Canada passed the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Act and the Nunavut Act, which led to Nunavut being recognized as a territory on April 1, 1999. These Acts of Parliament reflect the inherent and deep-seated kinships and rights of Inuit to the stewardship of the nuna (land) and the lawful authority to use and lead decision-making processes surrounding territorial governance, environmental wellness, land management, use of resources, implementation of sustainable practices, and the protection of Nunavut’s rich ecosystems.

This year as we mark the 25th anniversary of the creation of Nunavut, we also celebrate the signing of the Nunavut Lands and Resources Devolution Agreement between the Government of Nunavut, Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated and the Government of Canada — a significant milestone in the self-determination of Nunavummiut. Once devolution is fully implemented in 2027, Nunavummiut will have control of lands, freshwater and non-renewable resources in Nunavut and will benefit from decisions they make in managing them.

As we celebrate Nunavut Day, we continue to advance reconciliation by supporting the self-determination of Nunavummiut and all Inuit by strengthening the Inuit-Crown relationship. We will continue working with our partners to establish positive pathways towards sustainable development, cultural preservation and enhanced social and economic opportunities for Nunavummiut.

Happy Nunavut Day! Nunavut ullunganit nalliunirsiutsiarit!”

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