Backgrounder: Minister Vandal announces federal investments to support value-added agriculture projects
PrairiesCan is investing over $21 million for 14 projects in Alberta through several federal programs, including the Business Scale-up and Productivity program, the Regional Innovation Ecosystems program, the Jobs and Growth Fund, the Community Economic Development and Diversification program, and the Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative. These investments are expected to support over 800 jobs and help Alberta organizations seize new opportunities resulting from the development of innovative agricultural products, services, and technologies.
Business Scale-up and Productivity (BSP) program – $2,469,236
The BSP program supports high-growth businesses that are seeking to improve productivity, scale-up, and commercialize technology. It offers interest-free, repayable funding to incorporated businesses that have been in operation for a minimum of two years. Today, PrairiesCan announced BSP support for one project:
- G.S. Dunn Ltd. ($2,469,236)
Upgrade its southern Alberta facility with new milling and packaging equipment to expand production capacity and better meet growing global demand for its mustard products.
Regional Innovation Ecosystems (RIE) program – $8,583,222
The RIE program helps create, grow, and nurture inclusive regional ecosystems that support business needs to facilitate innovation. Through the RIE program, targeted investments in not-for-profit organizations support businesses in priority sectors to innovate, grow, and compete globally. The RIE program also promotes inclusive growth by helping underrepresented groups more fully participate in the innovation economy. Today, announced investments support seven RIE projects:
- Olds College ($3,017,720)
Expand Smart Farm operations into Saskatchewan and purchase new equipment to increase capacity to research agriculture challenges impacting the Prairies, including food security, crop protection, livestock health, and environmental sustainability.
- Olds College ($2,378,900)
Deliver programming to assist agricultural focused start-ups in partnership with THRIVE Canada and upgrade facilities to provide a space where small- and medium-sized ag businesses can showcase their innovations. This programming was delivered beginning in 2022 and facility upgrades were completed in 2023.
- Stettler Adult Learning Council ($250,000)
Establish a Regenerative Agricultural Lab to help Alberta food producers and stakeholders explore and adopt sustainable regenerative agriculture practices.
- University of Alberta ($250,000)
Purchase and optimize a prototyping unit that will determine best practices for producing regenerated cellulose fibre through the Lyocell process leading to Canadian-made, environmentally friendly, cellulose/hemp-based products including personal protective equipment, dental floss, healthcare products, and more.
- Alberta Bio Processing Innovation Centre and Alberta Agrivalue Processing Business Incubator ($1,125,000)
Purchase and install new equipment in the two provincially-operated facilities, enabling more small- and medium-sized businesses to test and commercialize value-added agricultural or food products.
- Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) ($1,038,538)
Lead a collaborative initiative to develop knowledge and supply chains that help organizations operating in the plant protein industry reduce food waste by converting starch by-products into high-value sugars used by biofuel and food manufacturers.
- Venturepark Labs ($523,064)
Host a new annual industry event and create a national online member-based program that offers workshops, networking opportunities, and resources to help early-stage food and natural product businesses launch and grow.
Jobs and Growth Fund (JGF) – $9,877,513
The JGF is a $700-million federal program to support regional job creation and position local economies for long-term growth. The Fund provides businesses and organizations with either interest-free loans or non-repayable funding to help job creators and the organizations that support them to prepare for growth, build resiliency, enhance competitiveness, and create jobs. Today, announced investments will support three JGF projects:
- PIP Lethbridge Inc. ($5,215,685)
Purchase equipment, recruit staff, and increase manufacturing capacity at the Lethbridge processing facility to better meet demand for its plant-based protein products.
- BiziSul Inc. ($2,590,000)
Establish a new manufacturing facility in central Alberta that converts waste sulphur from oil and gas production into a high-grade fertilizer.
- Pure Life Carbon ($2,071,828)
Upgrade and expand an existing manufacturing facility to increase production of its proprietary soil alternative products used in agricultural applications.
Community Economic Development and Diversification (CEDD) program – $446,800
The CEDD program supports economic development initiatives that contribute to the economic growth and diversification of communities across the Prairie provinces. Through this program, PrairiesCan enables communities to leverage their capacity and strengths to respond to economic development opportunities and adjust to changing and challenging economic circumstances. Today, announced investments support two CEDD projects:
- Alexander Business Corporation ($146,800)
Assess the feasibility of two plant-based protein opportunities for Alexander First Nation including researching an investment opportunity and conducting a study on a possible nation-owned production facility that would sell raw flour to plant-based food retailers and ingredient manufacturers.
- North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance ($300,000)
Collaborate with diverse stakeholders to develop a water management model that will help inform development and water use decisions within the North Saskatchewan River Basin.
The Aerospace Regional Recovery Initiative (ARRI) – $458,344
ARRI was a national program that provided $250 million over three years to help the Canadian aerospace sector emerge from the pandemic and continue to compete on the global stage. The initiative supported small- and medium-sized businesses to green their operations and adopt environmentally sustainable practices; improve productivity and strengthen commercialization; and strengthen integration into regional and global supply chains. PrairiesCan delivered the initiative across the Prairie provinces and applications are no longer being accepted. Today, announced investment is for one ARRI project:
- Wyvern Incorporated ($458,344)
Launch a new proprietary system and network of satellites that significantly reduces the cost of satellite imaging used to increase the adoption of innovative farming solutions that help preserve ecological zones, increase agricultural yields, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and water use.