Thickewood Wolf Spotting Reported
A recent wolf spotting in Thickewood is no cause for alarm but residents in the area should be cautious and take precautions. There are three wolves known to be in the area and one was sighted on Thursday in Thickewood on Timberline Drive. Alberta Fish and Wildlife Enforcement spokesperson Brendan Cox said that the sighting was not a concern for public safety. Cox stated “This morning our office did get a call about a wolf sighting on Timberline Drive. We can confirm that there are three young wolves in the area. They appear healthy.” Resident Valerie Dancer was the one who spotted the animal and then took a photo. Since Fort McMurray is surrounded by boreal forests, and this is prime territory for wolves and other wildlife, it is no surprise that there are a few of the animals in the area.
While discussing the Thickewood wolf spotting Cox reassured residents that attacks on humans by wolves are rare and that wolves typically seek territory that is far from where humans are. Cox reminded residents who walk along Birchwood Trails that they should avoid hiking alone, going in groups instead. Hikers should also make noise as they go along the trail so that they avoid any surprise encounters. The hope is that the wolves will just move on, but Cox did caution “I would advise people to keep a close eye on their pets.” Anyone who spots a wolf or any other type of wildlife can report their sighting to Alberta Fish and Wildlife.