
Salvation Army Christmas Kettles Show the Generous Spirit of Fort McMurray

There is no denying that many residents in Fort McMurray have a generous spirit, and this was seen once more by the numerous donations that area residents made to the Salvation Army Christmas kettles leading up to the year end holidays that just passed. In fact this was the most successful campaign at Christmas that the organization has had in recent years in spite of the fact that the fundraising efforts fell a little short of the $190,000 goal that was set. Thanks to the community spirit and the compassion that Fort McMurray showed the Salvation Army Christmas kettles managed to raise 95% of the set goal, or a total raised of $180,592. Many people may not realize that the money raised will stay in the local community and help out residents in need.

In the beginning things were slow for the Salvation Army Christmas kettles, and recent years have failed to meet the goals set for funds raised. Trudy Malone, the campaign coordinator for the Salvation Army, explained “We discussed lowering [the goal] this year because for the last few years it hasn’t been met.” When the organization made an announcement on December 11 saying that the campaign goals were only 65% Malone said that “The community came together. People kind of stepped up after they heard that.” Malone also discussed the funds raised and explained “It goes to help less fortunate families in need who are struggling with meeting their mortgage, or their rent, or utilities, or prescription drugs, or whatever the family financial shortage is. I know everybody’s kind of hurting financially, or most people are. I think those people who have jobs and are doing alright really went the extra mile to help the people in the community who are in need.”

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