Inquiry into Indigenous Women Missing or Killed Launched

launched by the Liberals, and the inquiry is in the initial stages right now. According to Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould the initial stage will involve the consultation of the victim’s families so that these individuals can provide input into the design of the inquiry and help investigators determine what needs to be accomplished. The consultation phase will also include a website that Canadians can access and provide feedback and comments on. This website will also help explain the inquiry process and provide additional information for those who want more details. Wilson-Raybould also stated that no matter what the inquiry outcome is nothing will change what happened to these women, but she did say that as a country Canada “can and must do better.”
When the inquiry into the pattern of missing or murdered indigenous women was announced aboriginal leaders were very vocal in their support, with some discussing the fact that it has taken so long for an inquiry into this in the first place. According to newly elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau the people who have been affected by these tragedies have already suffered more than they should have, and these individuals have waited enough time for answers and some type of closure. In a speech Trudeau said “The victims deserve justice; their families, an opportunity to heal and to be heard.” The Prime Minister also said that “Constitutionally guaranteed rights of First Nations in Canada are not an inconvenience but rather a sacred obligation.” What do you think the inquiry will find and why?