Bar None Bar Safety Program Finally Comes to Fort McMurray
The Bar None Bar Safety program is being launched in Wood Buffalo and Fort McMurray establishments can try to become accredited through the program. This program encourages having policies in place for weapons, designated drivers, head counts, and soft closings. The Best Bar None program offers accreditation for bars and clubs, and it has been in operation in Alberta for the last 5 years. Bars which comply with the numerous guidelines recommended can receive recognition and even awards from the program. The guidelines in place with the program have been established by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission. According to AGLC head Bill Robinson “It’s not just a program that’s there so you can hang a plaque on the wall. This allows you to have the skills, and your people to have the skills, to allow folks in your community to go out and have a safe night out on the town.”
In order for a bar in Fort McMurray to be designated as a Best Bar None designation the establishment must meet at least 39 mandatory checks. Bars and clubs are also encouraged to comply with an additional 46 areas of criteria. Local business man Ross Garrett, a Canadian Brewhouse partner, said “It’s a great program, I know our locations in Edmonton have gotten involved with it. It just has everything set in stone for all your employees. So when you’re training, everyone can follow the proper guidelines. And whether you come in on Monday or a Friday, you’re gonna get the same service and the same quality. I know with the safety issues and concerns that people are having these days, they will go out and look (for this.)”